Tuesday, February 19, 2013


People keep coming to this blog, so I feel I obligated to say I won't be writing in it any time soon, and by any time soon, what I really mean is that I won't be writing in it at all. When I started this blog--or, okay, created this blog, because let's face it, I haven't really started anything--it was because I felt overexposed by my previous one. Too many people read it, which of course doesn't sound like much of a problem, especially for a writer who wants an audience (and what the hell writer doesn't want an audience?), but when a whole lot of the readers are a whole lot of people the writer knows, the ability to write about whomever and whatever is on the writer's mind is kinda sorta hampered. Thus, this blog was born. New blog, new audience. Problem solved. Right? You'd think. But you'd be wrong.

It turns out when I made this blog, I made it in the presence of one of the people who I most don't want to read it. Stupid? Duh. Surprising? Hardly. Really, though, if I weren't doing stupid things, I wouldn't be me, and I'd have nothing to write about it in the first place, not on this blog or any other, so it's okay. Thanks to my stupidity and propensity for doing the wrong thing, I have plenty to write about--just not here. You'll have to visit my old--now my new?--my current blog for that.

See you there?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


New(ish) year--15 days in. Is that still new?--, new blog, and when I say "new," that of course points to the existence of an old, and so, before I write another word, let me first post a link to that in case you're interested in reading about me before you read about me (I know. It's all about me).

The link:


I'll give you a little bit of time to catch up. Have fun.